A beautiful story

If you’ve read my previous posts, you know that I’ve been hitting a few road blocks along my job search journey. Last week didn’t prove to be any better. I was rejected by three jobs and forced to start back at square one.

I broke down in frustration and began to doubt my ability and my training. Cashiers, NC is not my favorite place on Earth, so I was hoping one of those jobs would be my way out. My escape.

But God has a different plan.


One of my favorite bands is Mumford & Sons. To this day, Awake My Soul is my favorite song. As I drove away to find a place of peace, these lyrics began to play:

“How fickle my heart and how woozy my eyes

I struggle to find any truth in your lies

And now my heart stumbles on things I don’t know

My weakness I feel I must finally show.”

As soon as I heard these words I broke down in tears.

It’s true, at this moment in my life I feel extremely vulnerable and weak. Graduating from college and coming into the real world has been like whiplash.

After pulling myself together, clarity set in and I began to think: is showing our weaknesses really such a bad thing?

I’ve never met a perfect person, including myself, ever. I think there’s something extraordinarily beautiful about being imperfect.

As the song continued to blare, I felt full of hope.

“In these bodies we will live, in these bodies we will die

where you invest your love, you invest your life…”

“Awake my soul

Awake my soul

Awake my soul

For you were born to meet your maker.”

At this moment of the car ride God really grabbed my attention. It’s almost as though I could actually hear him speaking. He said, “let go!”



How often do we hang onto situations and people we have absolutely no control over? I know I do it all the time. But the really beautiful thing is, we have the ability to let go of it all.

We are free to invest our love, time, and money into people and things that awake our souls and give us life. Rather than sulking in my pride and my self-doubt, I want to grab onto the hope that is found only in God.

The story of my life is just beginning to unfold. It’s going to be a beautiful one, I can feel it.

– Alisha

How do you let go of things you can’t control?


  1. I just purchased a magnet for my refrigerator that says “Let Go or Be Dragged.” I’m almost 40, but I still find myself trying to control things that I shouldn’t and because I won’t let go of them, I end up being dragged to places that I was never intended to be. Learning this lesson early is definitely preferable…or you can be like me and have to “learn” it in degrees….over and over again!! Praying for you and your new adventures!!

    1. Thanks, Lori. I feel like this part of my life is one where I just have to hang on for dear life and enjoy the ride. P.S. Where did you get that magnet? šŸ˜‰

  2. Beautiful Alisha!! Yes, your life is just beginning and a beautiful life it will be!! šŸ™‚ Because we’re not and will never be in control of our lives, we might as well do as Carrie says and let Jesus take the wheel and enjoy the ride! šŸ™‚ Stopping by from the SITs Girls FB group. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks so much for reading! When you’re a control freak like me, it’s hard to simply enjoy the ride. I get a little better everyday though. šŸ™‚

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